Thursday, June 4, 2009


I finally worked up the courage to tell him. Don't worry -- we've sorted everything out. He was very calm and understanding.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Home with the Babysitter

Barack and Michelle had a date on Broadway tonight. They talked about bringing me, but I had to respectfully decline. One, I'm not a theater dog. All the shrill voices get me extremely tense. Two, I only fly Air Force One. Those small planes make me nauseous.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Leader of the Pack

People always ask me: Yeah, you're the Dog in Chief, but who's Leader of the Pack? You or Barack?

The best answer is that Barack and I are a team. We debate the issues, we weigh the pros and cons, and at the end of the day we make decisions together.

Sometimes I have to remind him it's TEAM, not TIAM. And I'll admit that occasionally I tug at the leash as well, but listen -- "Leader of the Pack" doesn't apply here. We take things on together.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Football with the President

I took some time out from my busy schedule today to play football with the President. I know, I know, I have countless problems begging my attention -- Afghan Hounds terrorizing the Middle East, militant Jindos in North Korea, hostile Salukis in Iran, that mess Barney left here at home. But can't a dog take some time off now and then for a little R&R?

I told Barack I needed a break and he knew just what to do.

For the record, I'm better at catching -- don't let him tell you otherwise.

Friday, May 15, 2009

My first book is out

That's right, I've written a book.

I know what you're thinking: "Oh, typical political dog - he probably paid someone to write it for him."

Nope. I did it all on my own, in crayon no less. It's pretty impressive, if I do say so myself.

Meanwhile, I can't count the number of people writing books about me. These are just a few.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


USA Today had an article about my tutor, Dawn, the other day. I was kind of upset because they didn't ask for my input. So, for what it's worth, here are my thoughts.

Dawn's a great lady. She smells good, she gives clear commands, she's always equipped with treats, and if you do your work well then she's likely to give you a scratch. My only complaint is that she's a little too demanding. I understand she was preparing me for a big role -- the biggest role a dog can fill, actually -- but the work was overwhelming at times. As a laid back guy, I just got kind of tired of all that high-intensity training. Still, she obviously did a great job, because I'm one of the most well-behaved dogs out there.


Wasn't I adorable?

Don't let the cute mug fool you. Secret Service was a mess before I got here. Now that Bo the Guard Dog is on duty, NO ONE's messing with this country.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Working hard

I've been working hard at the White House today. Apparently people like to snap photos of me on the job -

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Shoe: It's what's for dinner

Why are humans always so protective of their shoes? I started to chew on Brian Mosteller's shoes today (he's a Deputy Director of Something-Or-Other), and he stopped me before I could get a good bite! They were made of that soft, expensive leather... Mmmmm... and smelled delicious. I don't know what his problem was, but I'll tell you this: he takes those shoes off for one second, and they're MINE.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

This yard is AMAZING!

I had a lot of fun playing in the yard today with Malia, Sasha, and our parents. It's HUGE - plenty of room to run around!

I was excited to see all the reporters there. I tried to get them to play with me, but they were too busy taking my photo. Maybe later when they calm down a little.

Running through the yard was great, even though they made me wear a leash.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Hello, world!

BARK BARK BARK and a BIG HELLO! My name is BO. I'm the First Dog, and THIS is my blog. Sit down or sniff around, have a good time with this tech savvy hound. That's right, I know how to write, and my words are stronger than my bite. I belong to Obama and Michelle is my Mama. My girls are Sasha and Malia and Barack is our lead-uh. He's keepin' us free, so sit back, relax, and have a good time with ME.